David Mertz (mertz@gnosis.cx), Developer, Gnosis Software, Inc.
Summary: PEAK is a Python framework for rapidly developing and reusing application components. While Python itself is already a very high-level language, PEAK provides even higher abstractions, largely through the clever use of metaclasses and other advanced Python techniques. In many ways, PEAK does for Python what J2EE does for the Java™ language. Part of the formalization in PEAK comes in the explicit specification of protocols, specifically in the separately available package, PyProtocols.
If trying to get a handle on metaclasses, or wrestling with asynchronous programming in Twisted, or thinking about object-oriented programming with multiple dispatch made your brain melt, then you ain't seen nothing yet! PEAK, or the Python Enterprise Application Kit, combines some elements of all of these into a component programming framework. PEAK is still rough around the edges. Like Twisted, PEAK's documentation -- though extensive -- is difficult to penetrate. But for all that, there is something enormously interesting about this project, led by Python guru Phillip J. Eby; and, I think, some opportunities for extremely productive and ultra high-level application development.
The PEAK package is composed of a number of subpackages for different purposes. Some significant subpackages arepeak.api
, peak.binding
, peak.config
, peak.naming
, and peak.storage
. Most of those names are self-explanatory. The subpackage peak.binding
is for flexibly connecting components; peak.config
lets you store "lazily immutable" data, which are involved in declarative application programming; peak.naming
lets you create globally unique identifiers for (networked) resources; and peak.storage
is pretty much what the name suggests: it lets you manage databases and persistence.
This article focuses on peak.api
, and in particular, on the package PyProtocols, which is available separately and provides an infrastructure for other PEAK subpackages. A version of the PyProtocols
package is included within peak.api.protocols
. For now though, let's look at the separate protocols
package. In later installments, I will return to other parts of PEAK.
What is a protocol?
A protocol, abstractly, is simply a set of behaviors that an object agrees to conform to. Strongly-typed programming languages -- including Python -- have a collection of basic types, each of which has such a collection of guaranteed behaviors: Integers know how to multiply themselves together; lists know how to iterate over their contents; dictionaries know how to find a value by key; files know how to read and write bytes; and so on. The collection of behaviors you can expect from built-in types constitutes aprotocol they implement. An object that codifies a protocol is known as an interface.
For standard types, it is not too difficult to explicitly list all the behaviors implemented (though these change a bit between Python versions, or certainly between different programming languages). But at the boundaries -- for objects that belong to custom classes -- it is difficult to state definitively what constitutes "dictionary-like" or "file-like" behavior. Most of the time, a custom object that implements only a subset -- even a fairly small subset -- of, for example, the methods of a built-in dict
are dictionary-like enough for purposes at hand. It would be nice, however, to be able to explicitly codify what an object needs to be able to do to be used within a given function, module, class, or framework. That's (part of) what the PyProtocols package does.
In programming languages that have static type declarations, you generally need to cast or convert data from one type to another to use it in a new context. In other languages, conversions are performed implicitly as a context requires them, and these are called coercions. Python contains a mixture of casts and coercions, with a usual preference for the former ("explicit is better than implicit"). You can add a float to an integer, and wind up with a more general float as a result; but if you want to convert the string"3.14"
into a number, you need to use the explicit constructor float("3.14")
PyProtocols provides a capability called "adaptation," which is akin to the eccentric computer science concept of "partial typing." Adaptation might also be thought of as "coercion on steroids." If an interface defines a set of needed capabilities (in other words, object methods), adaptation -- via the function protocols.adapt()
-- is a request to an object to do "whatever is necessary" to provide the needed capabilities. Obviously, if you have an explicit conversion function to turn an object of type X
into one of type Y
(where Y
implements some interface IY
), that function suffices to adapt X
to protocol IY
. However, adaptation in PyProtocols can do quite a bit more than this as well. For example, even if you have never explicitly programmed a conversion from type X
to type Y
, adapt()
can often deduce a route to let X
provide the capabilities mandated by IY
(for example, by finding intermediate conversions from X
to interface IZ
, from IZ
to IW
, and from IW
to IY
Declaring interfaces and adaptors
There are quite a few different ways within PyProtocols to create interfaces and adaptors. The PyProtocols documentation goes into these techniques in quite a bit of detail -- more than is covered in this article. This article presents a minimal realistic example of actual PyProtocols code.
The example shows a Lisp-like serialization of Python objects. The representation is not literally any Lisp dialect. The idea here is just to create something that performs a job similar to the function repr()
or the module pprint
, but with a result that is both obviously different from and more easily extensible/customizable than the aforesaid serializers. One very un-Lisp-like choice serves to illustrate: mappings are a more fundamental data structure than are lists (a Python tuple or list is treated as a mapping whose keys are sequential integers). Here is the code:
Listing 1. lispy.py PyProtocol definitions
from protocols import *
from cStringIO import StringIO
# Like unicode, & even support objects that don't explicitly support ILisp
ILisp = protocolForType(unicode, ['__repr__'], implicit=True)
# Class for interface, but no methods specifically required
class ISeq(Interface): pass
# Class for interface, extremely simple mapping interface
class IMap(Interface):
def items():
"A requirement for a map is to have an .items() method"
# Define function to create an Lisp like representation of a mapping
def map2Lisp(map_, prot):
out = StringIO()
for k,v in map_.items():
out.write("(%s %s) " % (adapt(k,prot), adapt(v,prot)))
return "(MAP %s)" % out.getvalue()
# Use this func to convert an IMap-supporting obj to ILisp-supporting obj
declareAdapter(map2Lisp, provides=[ILisp], forProtocols=[IMap])
# Note that a dict implements an IMap interface with no conversion needed
declareAdapter(NO_ADAPTER_NEEDED, provides=[IMap], forTypes=[dict])
# Define and use func to adapt an InstanceType obj to the ILisp interface
from types import InstanceType
def inst2Lisp(o, p):
return "(CLASS '(%s) %s)" % (o.__class__.__name__, adapt(o.__dict__,p))
declareAdapter(inst2Lisp, provides=[ILisp], forTypes=[InstanceType])
# Define a class to adapt an ISeq-supporting obj to an IMap-supporting obj
class SeqAsMap(object):
asAdapterForProtocols=[ISeq] )
def __init__(self, seq, prot):
self.seq = seq
self.prot = prot
def items(self): # Implement the IMap required .items() method
return enumerate(self.seq)
# Note that list, tuple implement an ISeq interface w/o conversion needed
declareAdapter(NO_ADAPTER_NEEDED, provides=[ISeq], forTypes=[list, tuple])
# Define a lambda func to adapt str, unicode to ILisp interface
declareAdapter(lambda s,p: "'(%s)" % s,
provides=[ILisp], forTypes=[str,unicode])
# Define a class to adapt several numeric types to ILisp interface
# Return a string (ILisp-supporting) directly from instance constructor
class NumberAsLisp(object):
asAdapterForTypes=[long, float, complex, bool] )
def __new__(klass, val, proto):
return "(%s %s)" % (val.__class__.__name__.upper(), val)
In Listing 1, a number of adapters are declared in several different ways. In some cases, the code converts one interface to another interface; in other cases, types themselves are directly adapted to an interface. Notice a few things about the code: (1) No adapter from a list
or tuple
to the ILisp
interface was created; (2) No adapter is explicitly declared for the int
numeric type; (3) For that matter, no adapter directly from a dict
to ILisp
is declared. Here is how the code will adapt()
various Python objects:
Listing 2. test_lispy.py object serialization
from lispy import *
from sys import stdout, stderr
toLisp = lambda o: adapt(o, ILisp)
class Foo:
def __init__(self):
self.a, self.b, self.c = 'a','b','c'
tests = [
"foo bar",
{17:2, 33:4, 'biz':'baz'},
["bar", ('f','o','o')],
(1L, 2, 3, 4+4j),
for test in tests:
When run, the results are:
Listing 3. test_lispy.py serialization results
$ python2.3 test_lispy.py
'(foo bar)
(MAP (17 2) ('(biz) '(baz)) (33 4) )
(MAP (0 '(bar)) (1 (MAP (0 '(f)) (1 '(o)) (2 '(o)) )) )
(FLOAT 1.23)
(MAP (0 (LONG 1)) (1 2) (2 3) (3 (COMPLEX (4+4j))) )
(CLASS '(Foo) (MAP ('(a) '(a)) ('(c) '(c)) ('(b) '(b)) ))
(BOOL True)
Some explanation of this output is helpful. The first line is simple: it defines an adapter directly from a string to ILisp
, the call toadapt("foo bar", ILisp)
just returns the results of the lambda function. The next line is just a smidgeon more complicated. No adapter takes us directly from a dict
to ILisp; but we can adapt dict
to IMap
without any adapter (we declared as much), and we have an adapter from IMap
to ILisp
. Likewise, for the later lists and tuples, we can adapt ILisp
to ISeq
, ISeq
, and IMap
to ILisp
. PyProtocols performs all the magic of figuring out which adaptation path to take, behind the scenes. A old-style instance is the same story as a string or an IMap
-supporting object, we have an adaptation directly to ILisp
But wait a moment. What about all the integers used in our dict
and tuple
objects? Numeric long
, complex
, float
, andbool
have an explicit adapter, but int
lacks any. The trick here is that an int
object already has a .__repr__()
method; by declaring implicit support as part of the ILisp
interface, we are happy to use the existing .__repr__()
method of objects as support for the ILisp
interface. In particular, as a built-in, integers are represented with bare digits, rather than with a capitalized type initializer (for example, LONG
Adaptation protocol
Let's look closely at what the function protocol.adapt()
does. In the example, the "declaration API" implicitly set up a collection of "factories" for adaptation. This API has several levels to it. The "primitives" of the declaration API are the functions:declareAdaptorForType()
, declareAdaptorForObject()
, and declareAdaptorForProtocol()
. The prior example did not use these, but rather higher-level APIs like declareImplementation()
, declareAdaptor()
, and protocolForType()
. In one case, we saw the "magic" declaration advise()
within a class body. The function advise()
allows a large number of keyword arguments that configure the purpose and role of a class so advised. You may also advise()
a module object.
You do not need to use the declaration API to create adaptable objects or interfaces that know how to adapt()
objects to them. Let's look at the call signature of adapt()
and the procedure it follows. A call to adapt()
looks like:
adapt(component, protocol, [, default [, factory]])
This says that you would like to adapt the object component
to the interface protocol
. If default
is specified, it can be returned as a wrapper object or modification for component
. If factory
is specified as a keyword argument, a conversion factory can be used to produce the wrapper or modification. But let's back up a little bit, and look at the complete sequence of actions attempted by adapt()
(in simplified code):
Listing 4. Hypothetical implementation of adapt()
if isinstance(component, protocol):
return component
elif hasattr(component,'__conform__'):
return component.__conform__(protocol)
elif hasattr(protocol,'__adapt__'):
return protocol.__adapt__(component)
elif default is not None:
return default
elif factory is not None:
return factory(component, protocol)
There are a couple qualities that calls to adapt()
should maintain (but this is advice to programmers, not generally enforced by the library). Calls to adapt()
should be idempotent. That is, for an object x
and a protocol P
, we hope that:adapt(x,P)==adapt(adapt(x,P),P)
. In style, this intent is similar to that behind iterator classes that return self
from the.__iter__()
method. Basically, you do not want re-adapting to the same thing you already adapted to to produce fluctuating results.
It is also worth noting that adaptation might be lossy. In order to bring an object into conformance with an interface, it may be inconvenient or impossible to keep all the information necessary to re-create the initial object. That is, in the general case, for object x
and protocols P1
and P2
: adapt(x,P1)!=adapt(adapt(adapt(x,P1),P2),P1)
Before concluding, let's look at another test script that takes some advantage of the lower level behavior of adapt()
Listing 5. test_lispy2.py object serialization
from lispy import *
class Bar(object):
class Baz(Bar):
def __repr__(self):
return "Represent a "+self.__class__.__name__+" object!"
class Bat(Baz):
def __conform__(self, prot):
return "Adapt "+self.__class__.__name__+" to "+repr(prot)+"!"
print adapt(Bar(), ILisp)
print adapt(Baz(), ILisp)
print adapt(Bat(), ILisp)
print adapt(adapt(Bat(), ILisp), ILisp)
$ python2.3 test_lispy2.py
<__main__.Bar object at 0x65250>
Represent a Baz object!
Adapt Bat to WeakSubset(<type 'unicode'>,('__repr__',))!
'(Adapt Bat to WeakSubset(<type 'unicode'>,('__repr__',))!)
It turns out the design of lispy.py
fails the idempotence goal. A good exercise might be to improve this design. The representation as ILisp
, however, is certainly lossy of the information in the original object (which is fine).
In feel, PyProtocols has some commonalities with other "exotic" topics this column has addressed. For one thing, the declaration API is, well, declarative (in contrast to imperative). Rather than giving the steps and switches needed to perform an action, declarative programming states that certain things hold, and lets a library or compiler figure out the details about how to carry them out. The names "declare*()" and "advice*()" are well chosen from this perspective.
Also, however, I find that PyProtocols programming has a similarity to programming with multiple dispatch, specifically with thegnosis.magic.multimethods
module that I covered in another installment. My own module performs a relatively simple deduction of relevant ancestor classes to dispatch, in contrast to PyProtocols' determination of adaptation paths. But both libraries tend to encourage a similar kind of modularity in programming -- lots of little functions or classes to perform "pluggable" tasks, without necessarily falling into rigid class hierarchies. The style has an elegance to it, in my opinion.
- The reference/tutorial document Component Adaptation + Open Protocols = The PyProtocols Package is the place to start exploring the intricacies of PyProtocols.
- The home page for PEAK itself is the place to start for an introduction to the library as a whole.
- Browse all Charming Python columns on developerWorks.
- An earlier Charming Python column looked at creating declarative mini-languages within Python.
- Another prior Charming Python column developed and presented a library to enable multiple dispatch.
- Michele Simionato and I wrote two articles on metaclasses, an introduction, and a look at some intricacies of metaclasses behavior.
- The Twisted library is similar to PEAK, both in containing a concept of protocols and in various capabilities such as asynchronous programming and providing an application configuration framework. Part I was Understanding asynchronous networking. Part 2 covered Implementing Web servers. Part 3 looked at Stateful Web servers and templating. And finally, Part 4, Secure clients and servers.
- Part of what PEAK contains is a capability for something similar to "weightless threads" that I described in two priorCharming Python columns: Generator-based State Machines, and one on semi-coroutines.
- Learn more about types and typing in Python at the artima Weblogs Forum.
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