1.7 Extracting Parameters in Extension Functions
The PyArg_ParseTuple() function is declared as follows:
int PyArg_ParseTuple(PyObject *arg, char *format, …);
The argargument must be a tuple object containing an argument list passed from Python to a C function. The formatargument must be a format string, whose syntax is explained in “Parsing arguments and building values” in the Python/C API Reference Manual. The remaining arguments must be addresses of variables whose type is determined by the format string.
arg参数必须是一个由Python传入C函数的存储了参数列表的元组对象。format参数必须为一个格式字符串,格式字符的语法在Python/C API Reference Manual中的Parsing arguments and building values说明了。余下的参数必须为变量的地址,变量的类型由格式字符串决定。
Note that while PyArg_ParseTuple() checks that the Python arguments have the required types, it cannot check the validity of the addresses of C variables passed to the call: if you make mistakes there, your code will probably crash or at least overwrite random bits in memory. So be careful!
Note that any Python object references which are provided to the caller are borrowed references;do not decrement their reference count!
Some example calls:
int ok;
int i, j;
long k, l;
const char *s;
int size;
ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""); /* No arguments */
/* Python call: f() */
ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &s); /* A string */
/* Possible Python call: f(’whoops!’) */
ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "lls", &k, &l, &s); /* Two longs and a string */
/* Possible Python call: f(1, 2, ’three’) */
ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "(ii)s#", &i, &j, &s, &size);
/* A pair of ints and a string, whose size is also returned */
/* Possible Python call: f((1, 2), ’three’) */
const char *file;
const char *mode = "r";
int bufsize = 0;
ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|si", &file, &mode, &bufsize);
/* A string, and optionally another string and an integer */
/* Possible Python calls:
f(’spam’, ’w’)
f(’spam’, ’wb’, 100000) */
int left, top, right, bottom, h, v;
ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "((ii)(ii))(ii)",
&left, &top, &right, &bottom, &h, &v);
/* A rectangle and a point */
/* Possible Python call:
f(((0, 0), (400, 300)), (10, 10)) */
Py_complex c;
ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "D:myfunction", &c);
/* a complex, also providing a function name for errors */
/* Possible Python call: myfunction(1+2j) */
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